Our Beautiful World

Crested Tit, Parus/Lophophanes cristatus   

DK: Top-mejse topmejse FI: Töyhtötiainen FR: Mésange huppée NL: Kuifmees IT: Cincia dal ciuffo HU: Búbos cinege DE: Haubenmeise
PL: Sikora czubatka SK: Sýkorka chochlatá CZ: Sýkora parukárka ES: Herrerillo capuchino SE: Tofsmes HU: Búboscinege LT: Kuoduotoji zyle

© http://www.ecosystema.ru/

Photo: © Norman Hagen

The Crested Tit is distributed in most of continental Europe and into the Ural mountains
but in the British Isles only in the north of Scotland.
In northern Europe it prefers pine forest and in Scotland it is particularly associated with Scots Pine. Further south in Europe it is found in mixed woodlands.

© - lubomir hlasek
It nests in a hole in a tree or a tree stump. It feeds on insects, spiders and conifer seeds.
It is a small bird with brownish upperparts and dirty white underparts.
The head is neatly patterned in black and white and has a prominent crest.

© - lubomir hlasek
The top on the head makes it difficult to mistake it for other birds.
However, it is not as wellknown as the other tits, as it is a typical woodland bird.
It happens though in wintertime, that it can show up around houses, but it never
nests in park and gardens as many of the other tits..


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