Volcanoes of Montserrat
 english version

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All pictures: ©Corine FRISCHKNECHT. Please email her directly.(english)


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Soufrière Hills summit from Jack Boy Hill.
(34 Kb)
Okt. 10, 1997

Eruption from Soufrière Hills, at.10:49.
(38 Kb)
Okt. 6, 1997

Pyroklastic flow headed towards the eastcoast of Montserrat, at.15:20.
(41 Kb)
Okt. 8, 1997

Soufrière Hills dome from the town Frith onMontserrat.
(37 Kb)
Okt. 6, 1997

Explosion, at.12:30.
(41 Kb)
Okt. 9, 1997

Ash-column at.13:00.
(28 Kb)
Okt. 9, 1997

Plymouth, capital of Montserrat, and Soufrière Hills.
(33 Kb)
Okt. 10, 1997

Pyroklastic deposits in the Tar river. Picture shot from boat.
(35 Kb)
Okt. 10, 1997

Volcanic column during the explosion at 12:30 seen from Frith.
(37 Kb)
Okt. 9, 1997

Other volcanoes:

  1. Alaska
  2. Chile
  3. Colombia
  4. Ecuador
  5. Guatemala

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