Our Beautiful World


Australian Brush turkey, Alectura lathami
Photo: Elizabeth Hane

The megapodes, also known as incubator birds or mound-builders, are stocky, medium-large chicken-like birds with small
heads and large feet in the family Megapodiidae. Their name literally means large foot (Greek: mega = large, poda = foot), and is a reference to the heavy legs and feet typical of these terrestrial birds. All are browsers, all but the Malleefowl occupy
wooded habitats, and most are brown or black colored. Megapodes are superprecocial, hatching from their eggs in the most
mature condition of any birds. They hatch with open eyes, with bodily coordination and strength, with full wing feathers and
downy body feathers, able to run, pursue prey, and, in some species, fly on the same day they hatch.

Genus: Aepypodius
  Wattled Brushturkey, Aepypodius arfakianus
  Waigeo Brushturkey, Aepypodius bruijnii
Genus: Alectura

  Australian Brushturkey, Alectura lathami (picture on top of page)
Genus: Eulipoa
  Moluccan Megapode, Eulipoa wallacei
Genus: Leipoa
  Malleefowl, Leipoa ocellata
Genus: Macrocephalon
  Maleo, Macrocephalon maleo
Genus: Megapodius
Engelsk Norsk Latinsk
New Guinea Scrubfowl Papuaovnhøne Megapodius affinis
Sula Scrubfowl Sulaovnhøne Megapodius bernsteinii
Tabon Scrubfowl Mjaueovnhøne Megapodius cumingii
Melanesian Scrubfowl Melanesiaovnhøne Megapodius eremita
Forsten's Scrubfowl Seramovnhøne Megapodius forstenii
Dusky Scrubfowl Sotovnhøne Megapodius freycinet
Micronesian Scrubfowl Dvergovnhøne Megapodius laperouse
Vanuatu Scrubfowl Vanuatuovnhøne Megapodius layardi
Nicobar Scrubfowl Nikobarovnhøne Megapodius nicobariensis
Niaufoou Scrubfowl Tongaovnhøne Megapodius pritchardii
Orange-footed Scrubfowl Oransjebeinovnhøne Megapodius reinwardt
Tanimbar Scrubfowl Tanimbarovnhøne Megapodius tenimberensis
Moluccan Scrubfowl Molukkovnhøne Megapodius wallacei
Genus: Talegalla
Red-billed Brushturkey, Talegalla cuvieri
  Black-billed Brushturkey, Talegalla fuscirostris  
  Collared Brushturkey, Talegalla jobiensis


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