Our Beautiful World

Paint by Number
Mal efter nummer, Malen nach Zahlen,
Piendre en suivant les numeros, Pinte por Números,


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Paint by number (or painting by numbers) describes kits having a board on which
light blue or gray lines indicate areas to paint, each area having a number and
a corresponding numbered paint to use.

Malen nach Zahlen bezeichnet das Ausfüllen eines vorgegebenen Bildes mit Farben.
Das Bild wird durch viele farblose Flächen gebildet. Die Aufgabe für den
künstlerischen Laien besteht im Ausmalen dieser Flächen. Welche Farbe verwendet
werden soll, wird durch eine natürliche Zahl innerhalb einer jeden Fläche angegeben.

Zum Teil ist es so möglich, aus einer Zeichnung mehrere verschiedene Bilder
entstehen zu lassen. Malen nach Zahlen zählte im Bereich der Hobbykunst lange
Zeit zu den beliebtesten Möglichkeiten, sich als Laie in der Malerei zu versuchen.
Mal etter nummer er basert på et gammelt konsept som går ut på at du får
nummererte felt og nummerert maling. Mal felt merket nummer 1 med maling
som har tilsvarende nummer 1 osv, så ender du opp med et flott maleri.
Det man har gjort, er å utvikle dette konseptet til å bli et 100% komplett sett
som gjør at du fort får mestringsfølese når du maler.

How do we do this painting? None of us (my wife and I) are painters. Just ordinary us.
But some people have developed the right thing for us.
It's called "Paint by Number", and is quite easy to do -
except that you have to show some patience. It won't finish easily, though.

In the left corner of the pictures below.
(© 2002 DIMENSIONS, 1801 N.12th St., Reading, PA 19604-1527, USA)

You get a drawing like this, including 18 different acryl paints,
and then you mix the 18 colours, too, and get another 18 colours.
Number 3 is yellow, number 4 orange, and you just hit the right paintbox
and the right number on the drawing, and put on the paint.
It's as easy as that....

"Garden Gate"
painted by my wife
(© 2002 DIMENSIONS, 1801 N.12th St., Reading, PA 19604-1527, USA)

"Horses by a Stream"
(© 2002 DIMENSIONS, 1801 N.12th St., Reading, PA 19604-1527, USA)

painted by my wife

I like this one very much, and has sent it off to one of our grandchildren.
(© 2002 DIMENSIONS, 1801 N.12th St., Reading, PA 19604-1527, USA)

See what you can do when you are finished?
Scan the drawing which is included in the packet, resize part of it,
weaken the black colour to pale grey, print it out,
and you can start painting again.
This cat is about 3 times larger than the original painting.

If I loved the above painting, I love this one even more:

(© 2002 DIMENSIONS, 1801 N.12th St., Reading, PA 19604-1527, USA)

(© 2002 DIMENSIONS, 1801 N.12th St., Reading, PA 19604-1527, USA)

Always wondered how she did it.....
painted by my wife

(© 2002 DIMENSIONS, 1801 N.12th St., Reading, PA 19604-1527, USA)

Since then, have been making a few more pictures:

Many years later, we are now in 2016, and we are still painting:

Finished painting this big one, 50x80 cm
but still wainting for frames to arrive. Will take a new photo.
Just to remind what I said in the beginning - this one need patiense from your side!

And I thought that one was a hard one, till I started on this one:

I think there are about a million fields to be painted on this one:

See the red square at bottom on picture above.


From September to Deccember 2017


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