Our Beautiful World

Malayan Tapir, Tapirus indicus     

The Malayan Tapir, Tapirus indicus is the largest of the Tapirs, and it lives in South East Asia.

Photo © http://de.academic.ru/dic.nsf/dewiki/1438300

Found in tropical lowland and highland rainforest where there is a permanent supply of water. They tend to
shelter in forests and thickets during the daytime, but come out at night to forage on grasslands or near water.

Adults of this species have a dramatic color pattern, with a black front half of body, white sides, and black hind
legs. As dramatic as this color pattern seems to our eyes, it camoflages them well in the shady forest, especially
in nights when the moon is out. .

At birth, young weigh up to 10 kg, which is the heaviest of any tapir species. The young of this species grows
more quickly than those of congenerics. When born, tapirs have a spotted and striped coat rather in contrast
to the dramatic black and white pattern seen in the adults. Females have offspring every other year.
Sexual maturity is reached at about three years of age, and the lifespan is thought to be about 30 years.

Habitat destruction and overhunting are the two main factors contributing to their endangered status.
Habitat destruction has mainly been a result of agriculture and and increase in cattle grazing.
Natural enemies include humans and tigers.

Fahey, B. 1999. "Tapirus indicus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed October 04, 2010 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tapirus_indicus.html.



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