Our Beautiful World

Cranes at Lake Hornborga 2004
Day 1, April 6th, 2004
Day 2, click here

2004 - with a record of 12.700 visiting cranes in one day!

this time, let the pictures tell the story of what to see....
and you may right-click on the next 5 pictures for a larger view



Never before have they counted so many cranes here, at least not since they
began counting.... 12.700 was top this year, when we visited the number
of cranes attending the show had dropped to 10.500, but who could see that?

Here in the northern end of the lake, there were also several other birdies,
from small ducks to geese and swans.

Still find it a bit difficult to catch them in flight, or when they go in for landing,
as my equipment still is the same, a digital camera of a reasonable price,
and an old binocular. Difficult to keep them both steady when the wind is cold.

After several tries, it's so easy with the digital camera, you just throw bad pictures
away, and they you give it another try....

However, be prepaired for whatever kind of weather might come up!
You might be in for a surprise.

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Lake Hornborga 2005
Main Menu - Hovedmeny
Cranes in the Air - Traner i luften
Cranes on the Ground  Traner på bakken
Swans at Lake Hornborga  Svaner ved Hb-sjön
Other Birds etc  Andre fugler osv.
Previous years: Tidliere år:
Cranes   Traner
Lake Hornborga 2004  Besøk i 2004
They're still there! 2012  De er fremdeles der!
Cranes - Gruidae - Traner - Gruidae

 www.hornborga.com English


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